Attendance Policy

For a student to be successful in achieving their academic goals, regular and punctual attendance is required. All programs function under a clock hour’s program. For students to fulfill the minimum requirements of TDLR for hours and services.

ETC College recognizes jury duty or required court appearances, documented illnesses, established and recognized religious holidays, or death of an immediate family member. These documents do not excuse your attendance but show proof of where you were when you were not in class. Must have written documentation to prove you was not missing class intentionally.

*For VA eligible students, the attendance policy may not miss more than 20% of the total program and/or being absent five (5) consecutive days) will apply throughout the students stay in the school. All violations of the attendance policy will be reported to DVA on VA Form 22-1999b within 30 days of date  of occurrence.

Attendance Guidelines

Attendance is calculated using a fingerprint Bio Metric Time Clock System. If a student is going to be late or cannot attend school, they must contact the school and advise the instructors or office immediately. Students must call in by 8:30am and must request time off in writing. Full-time students are required to be in attendance a minimum of 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week. Holidays will be set according to the calendar each year. Lunches and breaks are scheduled for all students. Full time students will take a 30-minute lunch break between 11:30am and 1:00pm, if possible, according to their booking, and must clock out and back in every day. Students may not leave the school premises during regular hours without the permission of their instructor. Students who leave school property must document their time by both signing and clocking in and out. If a student is on official business for the school that requires them to leave the property, they must clock out and sign in with their instructor for field trip hours as the state board requires. If the student does not clock out, it could result in permanent loss of the opportunity to be licensed in the state of Texas.

Tardy Policy

Students are made aware of the program hours and should arrive according to the facility’s operational hours. If the student is tardy, they must make up the hours by attending extra curriculum hours, they are responsible for their attendance.  All students that are tardy, late, or departing early must notify the directory. Note: ETC College reserves the right to expel or suspend any student who habitually violates any of the school guidelines and attendance policies.

Leave of Absence Policy

An authorized leave of absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study. LOA refers to the specific period during a program when a student is not in attendance and approved for unforeseen, unavoidable, and severe situations, or a long-planned event such as a wedding, vacation, family reunion or similar situation.  An LOA is not required if a student is not in attendance only for an institutionally scheduled break. However, a scheduled break may occur during an LOA. An LOA must meet certain conditions to be counted as a temporary interruption in a student’s education instead of being counted as a withdrawal requiring an institution to perform a refund calculation.  For an LOA to qualify as an approved LOA, the student must follow the institution’s policy in requesting the LOA:

  1. Requests for leaves of absence must be requested in advance (unless a sudden event or unforeseen circumstances, such as a car accident prevents an advance request) in writing and include the student’s signature and reason for the request. Leaves of absence will be granted or denied at the sole option of the Director, provided there is a reasonable expectation the student will return to class at the end of the Leave of Absence.    
  2. An LOA may be granted to a student who did not provide the request prior to the LOA due to unforeseen circumstances if the institution documents the reason for its decision and collects the request from the student at a later date. In this example, the beginning date of the approved LOA would be determined by the institution to be the first date the student was unable to attend the institution because of the unforeseen circumstances.
  3. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the LOA.
  4. Approval of the student’s request for an LOA is in accordance with this policy.
  5. No additional institutional charges will be assessed to the student as a result of the LOA.  The LOA together with any additional leaves of absence must not exceed a total of 180 days in any 12-month period.  
  6. A student granted an LOA that meets these criteria is not considered to have withdrawn, and no refund calculation is required at that time.
  7. The institution must extend the student’s contract period and maximum time frame by the same number of days taken in the LOA. Changes to the contract period on the enrollment agreement must be initialed by all parties or an addendum must be signed and dated by all parties.
  8. A student will be withdrawn if the student takes an unapproved LOA or does not return by the expiration of an approved LOA and the withdrawal date for the purpose of calculating a refund is student’s last day of attendance.
  9. The student will return to class in the same status and grade situation as before the Leave of Absence started.

Privacy Policy

Student files are maintained in a restricted area with access limited to appropriate personnel only. Students have access rights to his/her files and must sign a Release of Information to access files from the director. This document will also be signed by parents/guardians of dependent minor students.

No telephone inquiries about students’ attendance and grades will be acknowledged without the student’s explicit permission, apart from parents/guardians of dependent minor students.

Personal information and documents are kept private for the safety of the student.

Any specific medical needs must be made aware to owners, instructors or administrator.

Privacy Procedure

Files are protected and maintained in instructors’ and administration offices.

Access to protected files is limited to school employees, for example, a registration document involving personal information unrelated to ETC College’s form of education.

No original documents may be released from student’s files without explicit permission from director/owner of ETC College.

Students may inspect their files with reasonable notice. A signed ‘release of information’ must be signed, and students may review files while authorized staff members are present.

Students must notify administrators of any change in documentation, such as marriage, divorce, or change of address.

Student Right of Access and Record Retention Policy

The Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) sets a limit on the disclosure of personally identifiable information from school records and defines the rights of students to review and request changes to the records. FERPA generally gives postsecondary students the rights to:

  • Review their education records.
  • Seek to amend inaccurate information in their records.
  • Provide consent for the disclosure of their records. Students (or parents/guardians if the student is a dependent minor) are guaranteed access to their school records with a staff member present within 45 days from the date of the request. Copies of all records can be released with notice and a service charge.

Record Maintenance

  • All requests for release of information are maintained in the student’s file if the educational records themselves are kept. Student records are maintained for a minimum of 6 years for withdrawn students.


General release of information except under the special conditions described in this policy, a student must provide written consent before the school may disclose personally identifiable information from the student’s educational records. The written consent must: state the purpose of the disclosure.

  • Specify the records that may be disclosed.
  • Identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made.
  • Be signed and dated.

FERPA disclosures to parents will transfer from a student’s parents to the student when the student attends a postsecondary institution. FERPA does permit a school to disclose a student’s education records to his or her parents if the student is a dependent minor under IRS rules. A school may disclose information from a student’s education records to parents in the case of a health or safety emergency that involves the student. A school may let parents of students under age 21 know when the student has violated any law or policy concerning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance. A school official may share with parents, information that is based on that official’s personal knowledge or observation, but that is not based on information contained in an educational record.

Release of information to Regulatory Agencies Disclosures may be made to authorized representatives of the U.S. Department of Education for audit, evaluation, and enforcement purposes. ‘Authorized representatives’ include employees of the Department, such as employees of the Office of Federal Student Aid, the Office of Postsecondary Education, the Office for Civil Rights, and the National Center for Education Statistics, as well as firms under contract to the Department to perform certain administrative functions or studies, such as an accrediting agency (the school is currently a candidate for accreditation with NACCAS).  The institutional records are maintained in accordance with state and federal law.

Disclosures in response to subpoenas or court orders, FERPA permits schools to disclose educational records without the student’s consent to comply with the lawfully issued subpoena or court order. In most cases, the school must make a reasonable effort to notify the student who is the subject of the subpoena or court order before complying, so the student may seek protective action.

Grievance Policy and Procedure

The school administrator will seek and maintain open communication between all parties associated within the facility. If any of the occupants are dissatisfied, they may take steps to resolve the problem. We have the complaint compliance displayed on the walls of the facility; you may also ask the admissions office for the form.

A student, instructor, or any other interested party may file a written complaint against the school; the written complaint must be clear and outline the allegations and or nature of the complaint. The school owners will meet with the complainant within 5 working days of the complaint.

If the complaint can still not be resolved internally, you may also forward any complaint to the regulatory agency:

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
PO Box 12157
Austin Texas 78711

Sexual Harassment Policy

East Texas Cosmetology College is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment that provides for fair and equitable treatment, including freedom from sexual harassment. This policy covers anyone who engages in sexual harassment on school property or at school activities.

Harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for favors, and other verbal and/or physical conduct of an unwelcome nature.

Submission to the conduct or communication is either explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual’s employment, work opportunity, education, or other benefit.

Submission to or rejection of the conduct or communications is used as a factor for employment decisions or other school-related decisions affecting an individual; and/or

Such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work or school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or school environment.

Harassment can occur staff to student, student to staff, student to student, staff to staff, female to male, male to female, female to female, and male to male.

Sexual Harassment Procedure

Administration will take prompt, equitable, and remedial action on reports and complaints that come to the attention of school personnel, either formally or informally. Allegations of criminal misconduct will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Harassment may include but is not limited to: verbal harassment or abuse of a sexual nature, inappropriate or unwelcome touching, patting, or pinching of a sexual nature intentional nature, such as intentional brushing against a student’s or an employee’s body; use of hateful words or gender-degrading words or comments, verbal or written;  spreading of rumors via social media of any kind, phone calls, gossiping to others, or any other engagement in harassment will result in appropriate discipline or other appropriate sanctions against offending students, staff, or contractors.

Anyone else engaging in harassment on school property or at school activities will have their access to school property and activities restricted or revoked, as appropriate. The school shall respect the confidentiality of the complainant and the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed as much as possible, consistent with the school’s legal obligations and the necessity to investigate the allegations, as well as take disciplinary action when the conduct has occurred.

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying and Discrimination Policy

East Texas Cosmetology College is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment that provides for fair and equitable treatment, including freedom from bullying, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination of any kind. This policy includes anyone who engages in such behavior on school property, at school activities, or an electronic act using cell phones, computers, personal communication devices, or other electronic gaming devices.

Harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination may take many forms including verbal aggression, physical aggression, relational aggression, graphic and written statements (which may include the use of cell phones, computers, or gaming systems), physically threatening behavior, or humiliation tactics. Harassment, intimidation, bullying, and intimidation create a hostile environment and will not be tolerated at ETC College. Such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work or school performance and creates intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or school environment. Harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination can interfere and limit a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by ETC College. Administration will take prompt, equitable, and remedial action on all reports and complaints that come to the attention of school personnel, either formally or informally.

Allegations of criminal misconduct will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Engaging in harassment of any kind, intimidation, bullying, or discrimination behavior(s) will result in appropriate discipline or other appropriate sanctions against offending students, staff, or contractors. Anyone engaging in these behaviors on school property or at school activities will have their access to school property and activities restricted or revoked, as appropriate.

Campus Security Survey (Clery)

In accordance with the Crime Awareness, School and Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Clery Act and VAWA. Our facility East Texas Cosmetology College will have the statistics for certain crimes that are reported in our area from local law enforcement such as but not limited sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. ETC College has not had any criminal history since their opening in September of 2016 as a new cosmetology school, we need to make you aware of our findings. We will report to the state department, staff and students relating to any of the crimes.

Criminal Disclosures

There are two FERPA provisions concerning the release of records relating to a crime of violence. One concerns the release to the victim of any outcome involving an alleged crime of violence. The other permits a school to disclose to anyone the results of any disciplinary hearing against an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence where that student was found in violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to such crime or offence.

Criminal History

TDLR Law: Notice of Potential Ineligibility for License: Section 53.152

Texas law restricts issuance of occupational license based on a license applicant’s criminal history and authorizes TDLR, in some cases, to consider a person convicted, even though the person was only on probation or community supervision without a conviction. As an applicant in the educational program, we must notify you and make you aware of the acknowledgement of the state Criminal History Evaluation Form. For more details, please visit

Constitution Day

ETC College will celebrate Constitution Day on or near September 17 of each year. For more information, please visit:


Emergency Evacuation Plan

Maps and information will be given for emergency exits. In case of fire emergency, leave everything; do not try to gather supplies or personal belongings. Exit calmly, quietly, and swiftly to the area-designated exit.  Instructors are responsible for assisting any handicap person. Instructors have a roll call list to ensure all is out of the building. Fire exits will be posted above doors.

Tornado Plan

In the event of a tornado, all students will go into the hallway as a protective area and place their knees on the floor. Heads should face the interior walls, placing hands over heads. Avoid large open rooms and windows and listen to instructors without panicking. The weather channel may issue a Tornado Watch or Warning. A watch indicates conditions are favorable for a tornado, while a warning indicates a tornado has been sighted.

Lockdown Plan

In certain critical situations, it may be determined that the safest place for a student, staff, or other occupants is inside the building. It will be secured by use of the Lockdown Plan and will commence until it is reasonably believed that immediate danger has been addressed and it is safe for the school community to resume normal activities.

Fire Emergency Escape Plan

In the event of a building fire, the instructors and staff will activate the alarm system and the building will be evacuated in accordance with established emergency evacuation plans. Fire drills are conducted regularly throughout the year. Students, faculty, and staff are required to move at least 50 feet from the building to allow emergency responders access to the building.

Inclement Weather

We use Angelina College as a guideline for closing our school during conditions of severe weather. Follow local television and radio media for that information. If a student cannot attend due to weather conditions, we adjust the end date with the right paperwork.

Communication Guidelines and Professional Conduct

Visitors are allowed in the reception area only, and are not allowed in the classrooms, break room, or clinic floor area. Cell phone usage is only permitted in the break room, classrooms, hallways, clinic floor area and lobby with permission from the instructor. Cell phones should be put away unless instructors give permission. Students may not visit with another student who is servicing a client. Students may not gather around the reception desk, the reception area, or the officers. Food and drinks are allowed only in the break room. Smoking is allowed in designated outside areas only. Stealing personal property belonging to the school or another student is unacceptable and is grounds for immediate termination


Keep all eating and drinking in the student break room. Lunch breaks will be thirty minutes long. Water in a sealed clear plastic container is allowed in the classroom or floor. No other beverages or food allowed. No Smoking/ no use of e-cigarettes in the college. If you smoke, you must take your break outside in the designated smoking area and you will be responsible for cleaning the area.

Students leaving the college for any reason, including smoke breaks, must clock out, except when an instructional area on campus is located outside the approved facility, that area is approved by the department and students are under the supervision of a licensed instructor. If a student is in or out of the college for lunch, he/she must be clocked out. So, every time you walk out the door you need to be clocked out.

Immunization Policy

ETC College does not require a student to have any immunizations or vaccinations to enroll in our school currently.


Operations are following the state guidelines for health and safety protocols in accordance with TEA, CDC, and TDLR. Cleaning and disinfecting are an important part of our curriculum. Washing hands and wearing a face covering as needed. Everyone has a role in making sure our facility is safe as possible.

Teach Out Plan

According to 34 CFR 600.2 [Title 34 – Education; Subtitle B — Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education; Chapter VI — Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education; Part 600 — Institutional Eligibility under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as Amended; Subpart A – General], the term teach-out plan is “a written plan developed by an institution that provides for the equitable treatment of students if an institution, or an institutional location that provides 100 percent of at least one program, ceases to operate before all students have completed their program of study, and may include, if required by the institution’s accrediting agency, a teach-out agreement between institutions.” In case of unexpectant closer East Texas Cosmetology College will make the students aware and provide necessary resources and support to the student during the transition.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention

East Texas Cosmetology College is a Drug and Alcohol-Free Facility. During orientation you receive prevention websites to help you navigate information. We expect a standard of conduct and prohibit unlawful possession, use, or distribution of any drugs or alcohol. We follow the local, state, and federal laws pertaining to the issues. Using these will cause serious health issues. If you, the student, or staff are caught violating the standards of conduct (consistent with our facility, local, state, or federal) you will be expulsed, terminated from program, and referred to the local authorities for prosecution.

ETC College teaches the basics in all the Programs and provides a strong foundation, it is up to the student to apply themselves and to achieve additional continued education to specialize in these areas.

Welcome to our Beauty and Science Industry, ETC College hopes to provide you with an amazing experience.

Financial Aid

ETC College is here to help you access and manage your financial aid.

If you filled out the FAFSA® form, you may have been offered grants, work-study, and loans. Before you receive a Direct Loan, you must complete counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN). Before you receive a TEACH Grant, you must complete entrance counseling and sign an Agreement to Serve or Repay (Agreement) each year in which you receive a TEACH Grant.

ETC College will share useful info and walk you through the PLUS loan process.

We have resources for parents looking to save for college and learn about financial aid. We also make loans to eligible parents to help pay for their child’s undergraduate education expenses.

The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s).

You may receive more than one loan under an MPN over a period of up to 10 years to pay for your child’s educational costs, as long as the school is authorized to use the MPN in this way and chooses to do so.


Exit Counsel:

When you are close to completing your education you will be required to complete the student Loan Exit Counseling. You must complete the exit counseling when you leave school, drop below half-time enrollment, or withdrawal from the program. The purpose of exit counseling is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment. 

 Return to Title IV Funds(R2T4) Policy

East Texas Cosmetology College is required by the Department of Education to provide students with all refund policies applicable at the institution as well as information on the title IV requirements for determining the amount of Title IV funds a student has earned when the student withdraws. Due to federal regulations, students who receive federal financial aid and completely or partially withdraw during a trimester will be subject to a recalculation of funds awarded. The outcome of the recalculation is dependent on when the withdrawal is initiated, and the type of aid received. Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that a student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. If a student withdraws, they no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that they were initially awarded.

Return of Title IV Funds Calculation/Payment Periods

Eligibility for Title IV funds (federal student financial aid funds) is based on the courses the student takes each PAY PERIOD (full-time, part-time, etc.). Title IV funds are only disbursed and retained by ETC College if the student starts the courses for which the funds were disbursed. Eligibility for these funds may be recalculated if the student withdraws from a course(s) during a PAY PERIOD. If a federal student financial aid recipient is considered a withdrawal from the pay period, the student will be subject to a Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation to determine the student’s actual earned federal student financial aid.

Listed below are the payment periods in which students are disbursed for Title IV funds. The disbursement is made at the beginning of each pay period. If the students withdraw, a return to Title IV funds may be required. Transfer students’ payment periods will vary.

The outcome of the R2T4 recalculation is dependent on the student’s last day of attendance, how much federal student financial aid has been disbursed or is pending, and the number of days the student was scheduled to complete.  ETC College will therefore determine the number of days a student was scheduled to complete based on the Title IV programs for which the student was eligible and which modules the student actually attended during the period. The last day of attendance, as determined by the institution from its attendance records, is either the last day of academically related activity or the last day of classroom attendance. The date of determination of an unofficial withdrawal for all students will be effective no later than the 14th day after the last day of attendance or academic-related activity. This date is used to determine the percentage of the pay period that the student has completed and this percentage is applied to the amount of federal financial aid disbursed and pending to determine how much aid is earned for the pay period and how much needs to be removed. Weekends and non-class days are included in this calculation and institutional scheduled breaks of five (5) or more consecutive days are excluded from the calculation.

Withdrawal from the School:

When a student officially or unofficially withdraws from their course of study and a withdrawal date and determination date have been determined, a refund calculation R2T4 is performed.

Determination Date:

The date of determination is defined as the date that the school determines when the student dropped out.  In the event a student misses 14 consecutive days of school, a refund calculation(R2T4) will be performed on the 14th day. The withdrawal date will be the students’ last days of attendance and the 14th day missed will be the date determined. In the event that a student does not return from a Leave of Absence on the scheduled date or if the student notifies the school that they will not be returning from Leave of Absence, a refund (R2T4) will be performed on the earlier of the two dates. The withdrawal date will be the student’s last day of physical attendance and either the scheduled return date or the date the student notifies the school they will not be returning, whichever date is earlier, will be the date determined.

Official Withdrawal:

When a student officially withdraws from their course of study, the date determined will be the date that the student notifies East Texas Cosmetology College. In the event we receive notification of termination via the U.S. Postal Service, the postmark date will serve as the date of determination.

Unofficial Withdrawal:

If a student does not officially withdraw, East Texas Cosmetology College will determine a withdrawal date and determination date and proceed with the Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculations set forth by the Department of Education. All refunds due to the Department of Education will be returned within 45 days from the date of determination of withdrawal. Unofficial withdrawals are determined through monitoring attendance at least every 14 days.

Return of Unearned Title IV Funds:

If a Title IV financial aid recipient withdraws from their course of study after beginning attendance, but prior to course completion, a calculation for the return of Title IV Funds will be completed based on the guidelines set out by the Department of Education and any applicable returns by the school shall be paid. Unearned funds must be returned to the Department of Education within 45 days from the date the institution determined that the student withdrew. The order in which Title IV funds are returned is as follows:

A. Federal Direct Loan Program Unsubsidized
B. Federal Direct Loan Program Subsidized
C. Federal Direct Loan Program PLUS
D. Federal Pell Grant
E. Federal, State, Private or institutional student financial aid programs
F. Student

After all applicable returns to Title IV aid have been made, this refund policy will apply to determine the amount earned by the school and owed by the student. If the student has received personal payments of Title IV aid, the student may be required to refund the aid to the applicable program. If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned and is eligible for, the student is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received. Any refunds due to the student will be made no later than 14 days after the calculation of the R2T4.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursements:

If a student earned more than was disbursed, the school may owe the student a post-withdrawal disbursement which must be paid as soon as possible but no later than 90 days from the date the institution determined the student withdrew for loans and no later than 45 days from the date the school determined the student withdrew for grants. The school is required to notify the borrower in writing within 30 days of the date it determined the student withdrew that the student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of  Title IV loan funds. However, if the student (or Parent in the case of a PLUS loan) is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of loan funds, the student or parent borrower must first confirm in writing whether the student accepts or declines all or some of the loan funds offered as a post-withdrawal disbursement. A post-withdrawal disbursement of Federal grant funds does not require student acceptance or approval and the grant funds may be applied directly to the student’s account in order to satisfy tuition and fees or to the student.  

  •  A valid Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) with an eligible estimated family contribution.
  • Meet the requirements for a late disbursement.
  • A student must be previously packaged with federal aid eligibility.
  • Award letters must be received and processed for loan eligibility.
  • A completed Master Promissory Note (MPN) must be on file to be eligible for loans.
  • Students must have a completed Entrance Interview on file to be eligible for loans.
  • Loan(s) must have been certified.
  • Student and/or parent must accept the eligible loan PWD in writing.
  • Students must accept a grant PWD for non-institutional charges in writing.
  • Student must have established half-time enrollment (starting courses) for a loan PWD; and
  • For Pell Grant funds, the actual hours attended will be used to determine Pell eligibility.

Some pending loan funds may be included in the R2T4 calculation but may not be eligible for a PWD due to regulatory restrictions. 

  • The PWD notification to the student includes the following information:
  • The amount and type of PWD available to the student and/or parents.
  • How to respond to request the PWD and the deadline for that request.
  • Notification that any remaining portion of the grant PWD that is not needed to pay outstanding charges may be sent to the student in the form of a refund check.
  • A reminder that any loan funds must be repaid and do affect the student’s total aggregate borrowing limits.
  • Authorization for ETC College to use any credit balance resulting from the PWD to pay any outstanding charges on the account for the current pay period, any past due charges for the current award year, and any past due charges up to $200 from prior academic years.

Institutional Charges

All tuition charges and mandatory fees, and book and supply advance funds to eligible students for the pay period that were present on the student account the day prior to the withdrawal date will be included in the R2T4 calculation as institutional charges. 

Return of Title IV Funds Calculation Example:

this example is not indicative of every situation. Each Return of Title IV Funds calculation determination is dependent on individual student circumstances. The date that the Financial Aid Office is notified that the student is no longer enrolled (0hrs) or no longer concurrently enrolled, therefore necessitating a Return of Title IV Funds calculation can be determined by the table below:

Type of Withdrawal Date of Notification
Date that the student initiated the withdrawal
Date that the grade was verified by the Registrar's Office
Cosmetology College Alliance
Date of official confirmation of non-attendance

Students Responsible for Return of Title Funds:

In the event the R2T4 calculation results in an amount to be returned that exceeds the school’s portion, the student must repay some funds. If the student’s responsibility is to return grant funds, failure to do so could result in the student’s loss of Title IV eligibility at any school until the funds are repaid.

Determination of Title IV earned by the student:

Up through the 60% point in each payment period, a calculation is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60% point in the payment period, a student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds.